Say goodbye to pale, flabby pork. We consider the flavor as rich and well developed, a far cry from industry pork that needs to be well doused in sauces and spices for flavor. This is the way pork is supposed to taste.

We don’t skirt around with terms and ambiguous labeling that requires deep analytical overview. Our hogs are under the sunshine rotating through pastures. We only offer pork in the late summer/early fall, because truth be told, Minnesota doesn’t offer much natural vegetation and forage for finishing out pigs in the winter or early spring months.

A lot of people consider pigs as garbage disposals and feed them as such, but we are pretty picky about what we feed our pigs. We feed high quality, non-GMO, transitional organic grains from a local mill. Our hogs are corn and soy free. We supplement with acorns and in-season produce such as apples, pumpkins, and extra fruits and vegetables from the garden. We do not feed day-old bakery goods or other waste food. Like I said, we’re pretty picky. If we shouldn’t be eating it, we don’t feed it to our pigs.

We are proud to offer a truly honest product, so honest we don’t need to hide behind buzzword labels. Our pork speaks for itself.



If you have not purchased pork straight off the farm before, some of the terms and linguistics and be a little confusing. We try our best to keep it simple and straightforward.

We sell our pork for the halves and the wholes, halves being half of the hog and a whole being the entirety of the hog. We sell by the hanging weight, which is the weight of the animal after they have had certain inedible parts removed, but before being cut and packaged. Historically, processing fees have been paid separate and directly to the butcher, but we are reevaluating this for 2024 (meaning you may only need to write one check out!)

Our goal hanging weight on a whole hog is 200lbs, so naturally halves hang at 100lbs. You can expect about about 70% of take home meat from your hanging weight. This means if you purchase a whole hog at 200lbs hanging weight, you will take home about 140lbs of meat, halves take home about 70lbs of meat. These are estimates, some hogs hang at smaller weights and some larger, and how you choose to get your pork processed will effect take home weights as well.

We require a $200 non-refundable deposit at the time you reserve your pork. Your deposit is applied towards your final total.